In December of 1881 the first recorded church conference was held signifying the beginning of 130 plus years of First Baptist Church’s vital ministry in the Red Springs community. The first known pastor was the Reverend L. L. Lynch called in 1885. The first meeting was held in the Military Academy on Church Street. The first church house was completed in 1886.
In 1889 Rev. R.A. Moore was called as pastor and his son, John R. Moore, was the first minister licensed by the church. Since then, First Baptist has licensed or ordained: Clarence Ammons, Ray Ammons, Sarah Boberg, John Cashwell, Andy Holland, David McGugan, William McNeill, Bill Phillips and Tommy Wilson. The church has had many capable and talented pastors throughout the years that have helped the church grow and progress in Christ. In 1907 the Rev. S. L. Morgan was called and under his leadership Sunday School was started. In 1937 Rev. Troy Jones was called and throughout his time as pastor membership doubled and the budget tripled. In 1949, Dr. Paul Early was called, under his leadership, the Education Building was built. Betty Ammons was called to serve the church as Minister of Education in 1954 and served the church in many capacities until her move to Gastonia in 2007. Dr. Willis Bennett came to Red Springs in 1955 as pastor and led the church in a Sunday School emphasis that caused the church to need more space. Rev. James Mattox was called to FBC in 1959 and discussion for a new church house was started. During his tenure the church hired Betty Smith, now Betty Thaggard, to serve as the church secretary. She served the church in this capacity for over 40 years until her recent retirement in 2008. Mary Helen Belmain served as the church's Financial Secretary from August of 1998 until February 2012. Currently our bookkeeping has been outsourced to a local CPA. Since February 2009 Joan McGougan has served the church as secretary. All of these ladies have been instrumental to the life of this church and have provided a wonderful ministry to our community and church. Dr. David Marrow came in 1969 and was the pastor who led in the completion of the plans and building in the present church house in 1973. In 1974, a Child Development Center was established under the leadership of Carolyn Ratley and remained open until August of 2009. The Rev. Olin Hefner was called in 1979 and led the church and community through some of the most trying times including the tornado of 1984. Andy and Cathy Holland served our church as ministers through Music, Education, and Youth. Sharon Klingenschmidt came in 1989 and served as Minister of Music until May of 2007. Edith Langston was instrumental in filling the void as she served as interim pianist until Katie Frabott was called in November of 2008. After more than four years of faithful service Katie resigned and moved back to her home in Florence, SC. Jessica McKeithan began her work as Minister of Music in June of 2013 and has continued the tradition of excellence within our music ministry. We especially think of Linda Cook McManus who gave unselfishly of her time and talents for many years. The Rev. E. F. “Skip” Myers began his ministry in May of 1990 and brought a fresh outlook to our church. Dr. Paul Jones was called to FBC in 1996 and both he and his wife Annette, the Minister of Youth, served until the Fall of 2004. Rev. Bradley Boberg was called to the church in July of 2006, during his tenure there has been emphasis placed on missions and we have also seen growth within our Young Adult, Youth and Children's Ministries. . R. Scott Talley was called to be the current Pastor in November 2020. We are grateful to the many individuals, both staff and volunteer, that have made First Baptist Church of Red Springs a beacon of light and hope within the community. |